Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Planning and Details

It's been a while since I last posted.

So I leave in about 4 weeks, and it seems like there's still so much to do. Let's take a look at what's on the docket for the next few weeks:
  1. Book my flight to and from Dublin
    • Can't do this without knowing what time I can check in to my accommodation
    • Need to find the best deal where I arrive before 5 pm Dublin time to catch the UCD International Student welcome booth
    • Need to find a return flight that won't conflict with a possible final exam, or if I need to come back the day after term ends, in which case I'll need a place to stay an extra night
  2. Register for classes
    • Try to get Mondays, Fridays, or both (unlikely) off.
  3. Notify the U.S. State Department that I will be abroad.
  4. Upload a photo for my student ID card
  5. Make photocopies of all my documents
  6. Figure out what to pack and how to pack
  7. Actually pack
  8. Decide whether or not I'll be taking trips during the term or after term ends (depends on my class schedule and possible flights back home)
    • Decide where in Europe I want to go with the limited time I have. Right now I'm thinking UK, Spain (Madrid and Barcelona), Italy (Rome), Austria (Vienna - maybe). Any suggestions?
  9. Somehow find a way to pay all my tuition, fees, and accommodation payments before I arrive because otherwise I can't check in or attend the University
  10. Mentally prepare for my first trip alone, and hopefully the greatest one of my life
  11. Maintain my sanity
So, yeah, there's too many things to do, and the worst part is that a lot of the information I need to make these decisions is not available, such as the final exam schedule, or my class schedule (as registration has not yet occurred). Also, UCD doesn't give you your roommates' information in attempt to protect data privacy. While I understand that side of it, I'm a little upset because now I have no idea who my roommates are, and we can't plan anything ahead of time. And as I'm an international student, they won't know that I can't really contribute anything communal to the apartment. Basically, things are getting hectic and stressful. Oh, and did I mention that I'm taking the MCAT in 2 weeks, so pile on all the studying, and I'm having a wonderful last month of summer!

Now, despite all this craziness, I must say I'm getting very excited and nervous about studying abroad. I'm not one to leave my comfort zone very often, so this entire experience is going to be quite an adventure. I'm excited to finally get out of Chicago and experience something new, but that's also very frightening for me. So with all these emotions adding to my stress from MCAT studying and study abroad planning, I'm going a little crazy. But hey, it will be over soon, and in about 4 weeks, I'll be in Dublin!

My advice for future study abroad students: take care of all those tiny details early, especially booking your flight. It's waaaaaay cheaper that way. Also make sure you get as much information as you can prior to leaving so you can schedule and plan everything accordingly. The last thing you want is a mishap while you're abroad. Then again, those little bumps in the road could make for an interesting experience and a fantastic story for your friends when you come back.

By my next post I'll hopefully have the classes I'm taking, and my stress will hopefully be reduced.

Until next time,
