Sunday, November 24, 2013

Killarney - Cycling in the Park

This was quite a weekend. Left Dublin on Thursday night after class on the train for Killarney in the far southwest of Ireland. I got the the Killarney Railway Hostel late Thursday night and met one of the front desk people, Gerry. He was really cool and very helpful with my room (despite it being freezing cold in there the entire weekend) and with suggestions for things to do in Killarney.

After crashing for the night, I woke up early Friday morning for some breakfast at the hostel, then after getting a bike rental recommendation from Gerry, left to rent a bicycle for the day. There I met the owner of rental place, who was a very cute, old Irish man. He was also really helpful. Originally I planned on going through the Gap of Dunloe, but he steered me away from that, saying that in that valley all I'd see are the mountains surrounding the valley. Instead, he told me to go to Aghadoe, which is just northwest of Killarney. It really was quite amazing. Going up there led to this...

First view from Aghadoe

It was so bright that it almost looks like fog, but it was quite a view...

Basically, I had to get up this huge hill, then along a long road that overlooked the mountains and the lakes. Along the way I stopped at a graveyard, old church, and a viewing point.

The graveyard

The path to the bench viewpoint overlooking the mountains and lakes

The only negative thing about this bike ride was that the sun was too bright (as if that's a problem in Ireland). It was hard to see the great view, as my pictures might show. After this view, I went back downhill to a scenic bike route along a golf course and into the national park. On the way I stopped at another church for some more photos. I have to say, the bike route was just beautiful and picturesque. After getting to the national park, I went along their river walk back into town for lunch.

 The bike path...

 It's pretty isn't it?

A view of St. Mary's Cathedral from the path

The riverwalk

After lunch, I returned my bike, and walked around Killarney. I went into some shops just to see what they had. Saw a few wool markets where they had ridiculously priced wool sweaters, hats, scarves, gloves, etc. Also went into some arts/crafts shops and just wandered around. I eventually came back to the hostel to relax for a bit. Then got some pizza for dinner. After dinner three of my friends arrived at the hostel (they had classes so they came a day later), and we went out to a pub called the Failte Hotel for a drink. I tried Beamish Irish Stout, which was like a thin Guinness. We then called it a night and went back to the hostel for some much needed rest.

Saturday morning we went back to rent bikes for the day. With both the owner's and my suggestions, we decided to visit Aghadoe again. Then take the same bike trail into the national park. The weather was a little better, as there was some cloud cover with which better photos were possible. When we got to the park, we went to Ross Castle and Ross Island. There were some truly spectacular views, and we had a grand time.

Our group outside the bike rental shop

Second view from Aghadoe...a bit of a clearer image

Cycling through the park on our way to...

Ross Castle!

A great view from Ross Island

Now, I know it may seem like I have a lot of pictures on this post, but this is just a small sampling. I have tons more, and you can find them under the Pictures tab above!

So after Ross Castle and Ross Island, we went into town for lunch at a place called Cathleen's Country Kitchen. Because of the amount of time we took cycling, and a long wait for food, we were running short on time, so we decided not to do another entire loop in the park, and instead hit the key points. We went southwest of Killarney through the park to Muckross House. Along the way, one of my friends and I found a little secret passageway that led to a stunning clearing. My pictures don't look all that great, but it was one of those "you had to be there" moments. After Muckross House, we biked up to Torc Waterfall, which was stunning. We climbed a bit up the falls for some photos, ran into a friend from UCD who was there on a Paddywagon tour, then went back to Killarney to return the bikes. We also stopped at an outlet mall and had a scrumptious Nutella and strawberry crepe.

On the way to Muckross House

It's quite an estate

The secret path, leading to...

The beautiful's a lot better in person

 And finally...Torc Waterfall!

Running into friends

Our group with the wonderful bike rental shop owner

 Nutella and strawberry crepe...sooooo good!

After some relaxation at the hostel, we went out for dinner to this place called "Pay As You Please". Basically it was restaurant where you pay what you think the meal was worth. Of course, they give suggestions, but there's no set price on any items. I thought it was an odd business model that would never work in the US, but more power to them that they can run the restaurant. After some pizza and bruschetta, we went to a pub called Murphy's for some traditional Irish music. There we met an old couple who was visiting Ireland from Florida for Thanksgiving with their family. We also found a partially colored picture of a jungle scene, and of course we had to finish it. Overall it was great craic.

The people before us had kind of messed up the giraffe, so we did the best we could

We then came back to hostel after a long day of cycling to crash. This morning my friends took an early train back. I stayed a little longer in Killarney. Spent the morning walking around town taking some more pictures. I eventually came back to the outlet mall and caught a Christmas market/sale. I bought myself a gingerbread man and a Kerry apple tart. They were delicious! I then got my train back to Dublin, and am now back in my apartment.

I have a final and a big journal due on Wednesday, and as it's the last week of classes, finals are coming up so now it's crunch time, and the crazy studying will commence...

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