Friday, October 18, 2013

The Merry Ploughboy

This week has been pretty hectic for me. I had a sociology essay due on Wednesday, so I was doing a lot of reading and writing. As a break from all that work, I went to play soccer on Tuesday and met another American student from Vermont, and some Irish students which was good craic. Now that the sociology essay is done, I have a history essay due next Friday, and so I have a lot more reading and writing to do this weekend and into next's going to be a busy weekend.

But last night, to get away from the stress of school work, I went with other study abroad students to a pub called the Merry Ploughboy. The in house band played us some Irish songs, and then there were some traditional Irish dancers as well. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera, so I don't have any pictures, but overall it was a great show. The music was pumping and the dancers were extremely talented. I also tried a beer called Kilkenny which was like a light beer without the carbonation, which I enjoyed. It was a grand time, with some great craic.

One thing I'm not too happy about that happened recently, though, was the new Irish budget. A few days ago, there was some referendum or something passed regarding the government's budget, and as a result, alcohol prices went up. So that pint of Kilkenny cost me just over 5 euro (just under 7 dollars). So needless to say, I'm not going to be buying too many more drinks when I go out anymore. I mean, Ireland was already expensive, and now this happens. Oh well, I guess this will teach me to be more frugal.

This weekend I have a field trip for my archeology class. I'm not too sure what to expect. We don't really know where we're going, or what we're doing once we get there. It'll be an adventure.

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