Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Barcelona (Part 2)

All my photos from Spain and London will be uploaded shortly so check the Pictures Tab above for more pictures - there are lots more than what I have on the blog! Now, back to Barcelona...

My flight back to London was out of Barcelona at 6 in the morning, so the night before, I took El Ave from Madrid to Barcelona. That night, after checking into the same hostel as before, I left for La Sagrada Familia. I didn't see it the first time, and it didn't seem right to leave Barcelona without seeing it. Honestly though, I don't see what's so spectacular about it. I think it's my lack of architectural knowledge that doesn't allow me to appreciate it. I mean, it looked cool I guess...for about 10 seconds. Then I just got bored (sorry to anyone who's offended by this).

After that, I walked back to the hostel, but had a quick meal along the way at a restaurant. I had a 3 cheese pizza, which had very little sauce, so it gave me a headache after a while, and grilled asparagus with goat's cheese. It was pretty delicious. I also snapped some photos on the way back to the hostel...

I then returned to the hostel to relax for a bit. I met some more people, from the US, Australia, and Singapore. I then had some of the paella the hostel staff made that night, then played some ping pong with a few guys. Of course, with an early flight I called it an early night too. Unfortunately, I only got a few hours of sleep before going to the airport, getting on the plane, and passing out for the flight.

After about a week in Spain, I have to say I very much so enjoyed my time there. The weather could have been a little bit more cooperative, but it was still a great time. The culture and feel is so different from the rest of Europe, and they have a rich history that I found surprisingly interesting. I know I need to work on my Spanish speaking a bit, as I know I need to go back some time. I definitely want to go to Sevilla again, as that was by far my favorite place, and I need to go up north too.

Next up...London!

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