Wednesday, January 1, 2014

London (Part 1)

Now, after all that traveling, just when I think I'm close to coming home, I still have about a week left...but I'm in London! So what have I done here so far...

On Friday when I arrived I just relaxed. After a week of living out of a backpack in Spain, I felt I needed a day to recharge and rest. I met my relatives and spent time with them. We went out for dinner that night for their grandfather's birthday which was a good time.

On Saturday I started my tourist activities. I took the Tube into the city center to the Tower of London. Based on my prior research, the only thing in the tower I would have wanted to see was the Crown Jewels, and I didn't think it was worth the 20 pounds for me to just see them, so I was okay with just looking at the fortress from the outside.

From the Tube station

With Tower Bridge on the left

From across the river

I then crossed the Tower Bridge to get to Queen's Walk, along the river. I walked until I decided to cross London Bridge.

Then I went to St. Paul's Cathedral, and from there crossed Millennium Bridge (where a scene from Harry Potter 7 part 1 was filmed) to get back to Queen's Walk.

St. Paul's seemed somewhat similar to the cathedral in Pisa

 Millennium Bridge with St. Paul's in the background

I then walked back along the river, crossed Tower Bridge again, and took the Tube back. Overall, a slow, but steady start to my London tourism.

For Saturday, I was planning on meeting my friends who were here with my high school's band (they're playing in the London New Years Parade). Unfortunately, with little access to Wifi, coordination was difficult, so we weren't able to meet up. I then decided to go around by myself, so I went and saw...

Buckingham Palace...wasn't as grand as I thought it would be,

Westminster Abbey...the line was waaaay to long to wait for to go inside,

 Big Ben...reminded me of the 3D puzzles I had as a kid,
and the London Eye...I was also not going to pay the money to go up...didn't seem worth it to me.

After this sight seeing, I headed over to Cadogan Hall, which is a concert hall where my high school's band was having a performance that night. The box office wasn't open yet, so I decided to just wander around, and I happened across one of the more posh areas of London. Along the one street I walked, there were tons of stores for every big name designer you could think of...Armani, Gucci, Prada, Versace, and Louis Vuitton (or is it Looooz Vetoooon?).

There were more of course, but I was also preoccupied with the cars I saw there too - 2 Lamborghini's, 1 Ferrari, and 2 Rolls Royce's. I mean seriously...WHAT? Anyway, I finally did get my ticket, which was free (win for being a student!), then returned home for a quick dinner. I then came back to Cadogan Hall, and saw my band perform. I saw some old friends and it was a great time. All in all, a good few days so far in London.

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