Thursday, December 12, 2013

It's the Final Countdown!

Considering I am studying abroad in EUROPE, and I'll have FINALs over my last few days, this seemed appropriate...

I had the oral part of my Irish language final on Tuesday. It went pretty well, although when I walked in, I was greeted in Irish and I accidentally said "Hello" (don't worry I corrected myself). I was surprised that the entire session was conducted in Irish, so even the instructions were in Irish. But overall, it went well; I had to have an introductory conversation with one of the lecturers, talk about the weather, tell the time off some clocks, and read a short passage in Irish.

Tomorrow I have my History final...not sure if I'm entirely prepared for it. We were told to basically choose a topic from two groups of topics to really focus on. Then we have to write two essays in two hours on topics we'll see tomorrow. I can't say I'm a fan of this style of final exam. I definitely should have put in more time studying, but I found myself having a serious lack of interest and motivation, despite the fact that my grades here will count back home. I did well on the midterm essay, so hopefully that will count for something, and hopefully I can pull something off tomorrow.

Then I have Sociology and the written portion of Irish language on Tuesday. Need to start studying for those tomorrow.

What's really crazy to me is that Tuesday will be my last full day in Ireland. It seems to be so soon, but also so far away. It's made me realize I have very little time to see everyone here for the last time, hang out in Dublin for the last time, and of course, have my last pint of Guinness.

Well, it's time to finish up studying and get ready for my first final tomorrow. See you on the other side!

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