Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Smallest Country in the World

Day 2 in Italy...

After coming home late from Pisa, I needed all the rest I could get, since I went to the Vatican the next day. Now, I thought Pisa had a lot of tourists, but Vatican City was filled to the brink with tourists. It wasn't even high season! Anyway, I took the metro from the hostel to the Vatican Museum entrance. I bought my admission ticket (student rate too) and wandered through the museums. Honestly, there was so much to see in there, and most of it I didn't understand. I think if I was more familiar with the Catholic faith some of it would have made more sense to me. Of course, the primary feature for me to see was the Sistine Chapel. They didn't allow any talking or photography in there, but it was still a spectacle. To think that one man did all of that is truly amazing. Here are some pictures from the museums:

Is Trinity College copying the Vatican?

After the Vatican museums and the Sistine Chapel, I got some lunch at the Vatican was weird. It had corn and hard boiled eggs on it...

After all of this, I walked around the city walls to get to Piazza San Pietro to see St. Peter's Basilica. It was a pretty massive place, and thankfully it was free to go inside! I was more impressed by the size of the place than with its significance. That may sound a bit naive, but it's just not my cup of tea. Now, of course, pics or it didn't happen:

Entering St. Peter's Square

The entrance to the Basilica

After finishing up my time at the smallest country in the world, I was feeling pretty tired, and the soreness of my feet didn't help either. I came back to the hostel for some much needed rest. I then left the hostel to get dinner (eggplant parmesan and ice cream...wasn't a fan...don't really like eggplant). After eating dinner, I was invited to play Monopoly with some of the people staying in the hostel. Unfortunately, all but one of them was Italian, and they conducted their business in Italian. Needless to say, it was difficult, but it was still a lot of fun, despite the absolute thrashing I was given. I didn't get a single property, and was swiftly forced into bankruptcy. After such a beating, I called it a night.

Did I mention that it was European Monopoly?...

And the properties were European cities...

And the money was in Euros!

Coming up next, Roma adventures!

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