Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Where Are You From? - Reflections on UCD, Dublin, and Ireland

Wow...the end of the semester is here. I'm leaving Ireland in a few hours, and it still hasn't hit me. What a crazy, wonderful journey this has been! Through its ups and downs, this has been one hell of a semester. With coming to a completely new place, meeting new people from all over the world, and traveling a bit, it has truly been a once in a lifetime experience. From traveling and meeting new people at UCD, the primary theme/question of the semester has been, "Where are you from?" Speaking of the people I met...

To all my friends I made while here in Dublin, I'm going to miss you all so much! I'll never forget all the great memories we had. To everyone back home, I can't wait to come back and hopefully bring some of Ireland with me! It really does not feel real right now. I think I'll do a full leaving post once I actually leave for Chicago, but still, with leaving Ireland, it's like it's all ending right here and right now. Although I'm anxious to get home, I know that the second I step out of the plane I'm going to wish I was still in Ireland!

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