Saturday, December 28, 2013

Leaving Dublin

It's been a little over a week since my last post, and A LOT has happened in that time. More posts will be coming in the next few days.

Before saying goodbye to Dublin, I decided to go for one last trip into the city center. I started at O'Connell street and the Spire, then walked south. Visited the "temple" one last time, then crossed the River Liffey and stopped at a hardware store to pick up a plug adapter. After that I found my way to Grafton Street, and ended up at St. Stephen's Green. After a short walk around the park, I came back to Grafton Street, then took the bus back to UCD. I was hoping to go later at night so I could get pictures with the Christmas lights on, but I couldn't so these will have to do...

O'Connell Street and the Spire

 St. Stephen's Green

Stop looking at me swan!

Grafton Street - if only the lights were on...

So, leaving was a strange moment. Most of the people I met in my time abroad were leaving for their home countries last Friday or Saturday. I, on the other hand, left on the Wednesday before that. I finished my Sociology and Irish finals Tuesday afternoon, then came back to the apartment to start packing. Unfortunately I didn't really make much progress. After a bit of fake packing, I met up with some friends at the student bar for my "last pint of Guinness"...there were actually two pints! It was grand; good craic with good friends.

Friends from the Irish class

Football buds - European football that is (the real football)

The next day I did some real packing and took care of the logistics of leaving UCD, Dublin, and Ireland. My Irish roommate and her friend were at the apartment when I was getting ready to leave, and they gave me an I Love Ireland shot thoughtful! It was a weird thing to say goodbye to my roommates. It didn't seem like I was leaving for good, and yet, in a few hours I would be on a plane. After lots of hugs and shaking hands, I made my way to the Dublin Airport, where I boarded a flight for London.

Funny thing about the flight, it was through CityJet, but run by Air France. The plane was a small jet, and there were maybe 15 to 20 people total on the plane, including the flight attendants and pilots. The wind was crazy, and the small plane was thrown around for the entire flight. Coming into London, I was afraid we'd be pushed right off the runway! But I landed safely, and then took the Underground to get to my relative's house...

I thought my actual leaving Ireland would be this big, momentous event, but since I was the only one, and I wasn't even going home, it didn't live up to my expectations. Still though, when I really think about it, I can't believe this semester is over. I got so used to my life in Ireland, it will be weird coming back to Chicago.

Spain posts coming soon!

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