Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First Time Grocery Shopping

So...Day 3...

Well, actually let's go back to Day 2 evening. I met my final roommate. She's from Limerick, Ireland and has a really cool accent. She's really nice and will definitely be a good resource for information about Ireland and Irish life. I also met one of her friends who seems like a character. She did teach me one Irish phrase (Pog mo thoin - Kiss my ass). I also met some of my roommate's friends from his program who are Americans.

Now...Day 3:

Today I went on a shopping tour of Dublin to see a few of the grocery stores and other shops around the area. I met some more friends from the U.S., France, Chile, and one Serbian girl who lives in Toronto. I also had one of my first experiences with the Irish people. While we were walking around, some random old Irish guy ran up to me and started ranting to me. I don't know what about, but it was weird. I didn't quite understand him, but what I got out of it was the police, bombing cars, tourists, killing, and whether I follow him. If I had to guess, he was some crazy, former IRA guy or something. I admit that in the middle of his rant, I felt a little nervous about what he was going to do, but then I realized that I'm from the Chicago, and I've seen crazier people. Then when I got back I went with my friends to an event about the clubs and societies at UCD, but we were late so we missed it. We then had lunch in the student center, then went to a nearby grocery store to pick up some essentials. It was pretty exciting, having been my first time shopping ever for myself. I also learned a little about the bus system in Dublin, which is pretty confusing for me, as I'm so used to the CTA.

After the shopping I came home to unload and have a small dinner. Lastly, I went to the President of UCD's welcome for international students. It was pretty good, and we got some free stuff (a bag and scarf). Now I'm back from the day, and I feel sufficiently drained. I'm just going to plan my busy day of orientation tomorrow, then have another small dinner and go to bed.

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