Monday, September 16, 2013

I Miss My Guitar and Piano!

Lately I've been listening to a lot of Jack Johnson, John Mayer, and Coldplay. All I can say is that I miss having at least my guitar here to play. A piano would be good too. I guess I could jam on my trumpet, but that's not exactly practical here. Speaking of trumpet, I found out today that I didn't get into the orchestra...not really surprising. My audition was one of the worst I have ever had. It also looks like they had a number of trumpet players audition, and in an orchestra there aren't that many spots, maybe 3 at most. Oh well...

On a happier note, today marked the start of Fresher's Week here at UCD. Basically it's the week of the semester when all the clubs and societies and sports teams advertise to new students. There are a bunch of events going on and a tent for all the societies. So today I went to the tent with my Serbian friend who goes to school in Canada to check out the societies. We met up there with one of her friends from Quebec and we looked around. I signed up for the music, math, and jazz societies. Should be fun! We then went to the sports center to take a look at the teams. Now, I wasn't planning on getting super involved in sports here at UCD, but they have a cricket naturally I had to find out more. Didn't become a full member, but put my name down. Maybe if they have small pick up games for fun I'll go.

The weekend was pretty good. Watched part of the A&M vs. Alabama football game and part of a Real Madrid soccer match at a bar called Woolshed Baa and Grill on the north side of Dublin. That was a pretty fun time. Then I spent Sunday doing research on all the places around Ireland I need to visit, so hopefully I can get some plans going so I have a place to go every weekend. I'm a little afraid I may do some of these trips by myself, as many of my friends here want to do international travel over the weekends, and I want to do it after the semester is over. What I really need is for UCD to release the final exam schedule so I can plan my travel.

On an unrelated note, I noticed over the past few days that Ireland is trying to make me less homesick by bringing Chicago to Dublin. How is this possible? Well over the past few days, it has been extremely Chicago windy. I admit it's nice to have a bit of home here. Actually, the Irish have a saying about the wind here. They call it "lazy" because instead of going around you, it goes through you.

Here's what's coming up: No class tomorrow, so grocery shopping, laundry, other necessities, and possibly my MCAT score. International Student Reception on Thursday. Then trip to Galway for the Friday through Sunday with the International Student Society. Should be a blast at Galway, the Aran Islands, Cliffs of Moher, etc. (I'll take plenty of pictures) Then I think there's an open mic night sponsored by the music and jazz societies at the student bar next Tuesday which should be fun. Ireland is pretty awesome!

Side note: You may have noticed a new link in the blue bar above called Pictures. Check it out for links to Picasa albums of all my Ireland pictures!

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